Sunday, 8 May 2011
What is intelligence?
Monday, 11 April 2011
An eclectic day in Manchester
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Theo Lansen - Strandbeests
Saturday, 2 April 2011
What is Innovation?
Within my context, innovation is most usually used when decribing making changes to the curriculum or incorporating new technologies into the classroom. In fact curriculum innovation is detailed within the Ofsted cireria for 'Outstanding' curriculum. However, with both there are caveats. You can't simply change your curriculum for it to be decribed as innovative and you can't simply start using a new piece of technology for it's use to be described as innovation. Particurly for the ICT, it seems that is is about the way you use it! People describe innovative uses of technology, suggesting that the technology itself doesn't need to be state of the art. Examples might include using mobile phones in the classroom or simply about using features of widely used programs such as Smartboard software. It is about how they are used, for effect and appropriately to do something positive. Similarly, with curriculum innovation it is not about the changes you make to the curriculum necessarily but how you rearrange the way things are taught in order to make best use of time, to ignite the children's interest, to make links more meaningful.
The idea of curriculum innovation being necessitated by the need to 'fit so much in' and of time being such a premium makes me wonder if innovation is often brought about by lack of resources, in this case time. There isn't enough time to fit in everything which needs to be taught in separate chunks so we are forced to find a different way. You could extend this to the use of ICT. The children are so used to technologically rich environment that in order to maintain their interest we have to find a new way - innovate. I don't feel it fits as well here though. Watching Charles Leadbetter on TED,
seems to back up this idea though. He has examined how schools/ education cope in extreme circumstances such as in slums with very limited resources. He believes that the innovative practices they develop could teach us a lot. I'm thinking of that quote "Necessity is the mother of invention."
The concerns I have over using the term innovation is how it relates to other terms. Is innovation the same as creation? In the literal sense, no. Innovation suggests a change to existing practice whereas creation suggests something completely new. And yet being innovative is probably very similar to being creative. Both involve coming up with new ideas, imagination, thinking differently. However, we would never talk about how we had seen excellent curriculum creation in a particular school!
I'm also interested in what counts as innovation. Is it only innovative if you are the first ever person to do it? Or can it be an innovation if it is new to you? When we ask teachers to make changes to their practice we are not asking them to innovate because we are telling them what to do. I think there is more ownership involved in innovation, the ovator has to have come up with the idea in oder to make the innovation, or at least recognise the merit in the change. This might be why we talk about 'adopting' innovation. That way, even if it wasn't your idea in the first place you have taken it on as if it were.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Michael Pawlyn: Using nature's genius in architecture | Video on
Charles Leadbeater on innovation | Video on
Sunday, 13 March 2011
In Doubt We Trust
Considers how important some level of doubt or unknowing is in all areas of life but that in modern life how it is becoming less acceptable to have doubts.
The presenter tells a story about how Socrates told about a friend who went to see the Oracle and asked who was the wisest person in all of Athens. The Oracle told him that this was Socrates himself. Socrates was surprised when he heard this as all he knew is that the more that he discovered and found out, the more he realised he didn't know. He then realised that what the Oracle was saying is that to be wise is a realisation that you will never know everything. As described on philosophy pages, "Socrates concluded that he had a kind of wisdom that the other philosphers lacked: namely an open awareness of his own ignorance".
This made me thought aboutthe discussion I had with my MA tutor before I handed in my first assessed piece of work. I was telling him that as I had studied the subject, I had found that I was less and less sure of why I had decided to study it, what I was trying to write about or find out. My tutor laughted at this and told me to bascially get used to that feeling and that many PhD students go through a similar stage when writing their Thesis when they hardly know why they started writing it!
As a teacher, the challenge is to develop this understanding of wisdom within a system which values absolutes in knowledge.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
The Way Forward
He did a great synopsis of the challenges currently facing us in Primary education but also painted a fairly positive picture of how we can make the most of the situation. Whatever we think of the political situation, we can get along in the system and do the best as we see it.
As always there are many changes facing us and may of these are still in their embryonic phase and changing all the time. For example, the plans to get rid of Schools Sports Partnerships ended up being scrapped. I was made more aware than ever of the very difficult position we find ourselves in as educators, between government policy, educational research and our own aims based on the children in front of us. I am somewhat heartened by Gove's focus on the 'Importance of teaching', particularly as it seems to go hand-in-hand with a slackening of 'top-down' control. Of course I can see the link between good teaching and good outcomes for children. So, as always the focus is on improving teaching. We need to have a look at how we can tweak our CPD so that we are putting teachers more in control of their own learning. More emphasis on action research and coaching.
As far as the curriculum is concerned, I have no problem with the focus on Lit, maths and science and I can also see the importance of PE and music. History? Not entirely sure that I see that it should have status over Geography, DT, Arts? It looks like there will be enough freedom within whatever curriculum is devised for us to develop what we need.
One of the main things I took away is that I need to look beyond the news headlines about changes to education. In most of the cases outlined, the actual policy allows much more freedom and is much less scary than the news would have us believe.
Still not sure about the neuro-science though...
Sunday, 6 March 2011
The Urge to Lead
Monday, 28 February 2011
Everybody can run a school!
Their motives for wanting to innovate, and their expertise in the area seem to be based on their own experiences of school. In Gareth's blog, he describes his own positive experiences of school and how he uses these and 'research' to develop methods which will improve schools for boys. Jamie describes in the trailer for his Dream School project how his own less positive experiences of school have motivated him to offer more inspiration to children. Something he aims to do by employing teacher 'experts'.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Inside Job Trailer 2010 HD
Saw this film last night. Was not expecting to find it as interesting as I did.
Interesting points:
- The effect of the culture on educated, clever people's perceptions of what is right/ what they see.
- Seeing some of these people squirm trying to justify what they had done.
- Really good explanation of what had caused the crash.
- To see Iceland as a mini-Case study of the wider problems.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Living Bridges of Meghalaya
Like Andy Goldworthy's work, these seem more asthetic than funtionary.